Posts by darren rouanzoin
Nine Practices for Household Discipleship

We know that the last year has been incredibly challenging for all of us. We have each experienced Covid-19 and the disruptions to everyday life in unique ways. We have friends who have lost loved ones to the virus and are grieving deeply. Many have lost jobs, careers, and businesses and have put their dreams on hold to care for their families, as closed schools have kept kids at home. And though many of the changes that have come have been painful and difficult, we have also experienced some unexpected blessings and gifts.

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darren rouanzoin
Digital Desert


This word has meant so much to me over the past 17 years or so. I felt called to be a "pastor" in 2003 as a 19-year-old student. It was a significant shift in a career path. It very much felt like dying to a dream and a future and stepping into something unknown and insecure.

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darren rouanzoin