Questions for Self Awareness and Accountability.
- Have you been with anyone/ anywhere that would appear as compromising?
- Have you entertained any inappropriate fantasies in your thought life?
- Have you viewed or read any sexually explicit material?
- Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity? Have you spent money on things that are not helpful for your discipleship to Jesus?
- Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
- Have you given priority time to your family?
- Have you been faithful to your commission of Christian service?
- Have you lied to us in any of previous answers?
Some additional questions
- Have you artificially inflated your role or importance in the telling of a story?
- Have you given enough time and attention to Sabbath, rest, re-creation?
- Have you taken advantage of your position of power in a self-serving manner?
- Have you been defensive when criticized/corrected?
- Have you been distracted with Social Media, the Internet or other forms of entertainment?
- Have you overindulged in food or alcohol?
Self-Examination questions Re: Speaking/ Silence:
- Did I say exactly what I meant?
- Did I seek to create any false impressions?
- Did I color my language for effect?
- Did I make any claim for myself, my knowledge, my skills, my actions, my intentions my attitudes, my relations which when beyond the reality?